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Many palm species in La Mesa are showing the signs of South American Palm Weevil (SAPW) infestation. However, Canary Island Date palms are the major victim of SAPW. Though it is a non-native insect infestation for palms, unfortunately, the Canary Island date palm species is their favorite snack. They also attack Acai palm, African oil palm, coco de palmito, edible date palm, and sago palm.

Once they attack your palm trees, the infestation of weevil in the crown will make it tilt and look like brown, drooping fronds. No sooner the crown may detach to the trunk due to infestation than fall on the ground. So, you have no time to waste when you see black adult weevils or white larvae in the crown region; quickly look for bed bug removal experts in La Mesa.

SAPW has the potential to take down your palm tree, which looks perfectly healthy, and that too in a short space of time. With so many palm trees in La Mesa, the spread of infestation is unsurprisingly effortless. Hence, before any weevil begins to feed on the palm heart and kills it, call our palm Tree Healthcare specialists for South American Palm Weevil Treatment in La Mesa.

Powerful Palm Tree Pest & Disease Treatment In La Mesa

Palm Crown Inspection
Palm Crown Inspection

SAPW mostly shows the signs of infestation on the crown area of all palm tree species. So, it is inevitable to check the crown extensively.

Palm Trunk Inspection
Palm Trunk Inspection

Comprehensive trunk inspection to assess the health and discover bugs as well as pests in your palm trees to avoid the spread beforehand.

Palm Roots Inspection
Palm Roots Inspection

Our bed bug exterminator specialists in La Mesa inspect soil and roots to offer effective treatment for controlling and removing bugs in palm trees.

Systemic Insecticides
Systemic Insecticides

Applying to the crown, trunk, and soil help in bed bug removal and cure moderate to a heavy infestation in ornamental, native, and date palm trees.

Trunk Injection
Trunk Injection

Trunk injection treatment for correcting nutrient deficiencies and building antibodies to fight against the attack.

Protection From Future Attack
Protection From Future Attack

Protect your trees from future weevil attacks with our bed bug exterminator in La Mesa. We will ensure your palm trees stay healthy and vibrant.

Benefits Of Palm Tree Bug Treatment In La Mesa

  • Complete control on larvae and bed bug removal in La Mesa.
  • Precise identification of problem and treatment from the best bed bug exterminator in La Mesa.
  • Preventative and curative South American Palm Weevil treatment for all palm species.
  • Minimizing the impact of the weevil on neighboring trees and plants.
  • Non-toxic methods to protect palm trees from bed bugs, pests, and SAPW.
  • Effective trunk injection and systemic insecticides to correct deficiencies and build antibodies.
  • Long-term protection after SAPW treatment is done by our expert arborists.
  • Safe, affordable, and hassle-free palm tree pest and disease treatment in La Mesa.
Palm Tree Bug Treatment

Experienced Professionals
To Treat South American Palm Weevil Infestation

Infested palms call for immediate care and treatment solutions to protect your palm trees from dying. So, your best bet is to call a reputed tree healthcare company in La Mesa to control SAPW infestation and larvae growth. At Tree Doctor USA, our experienced bed bug exterminator in La Mesa can identify and cure palm tree bugs, pests, and insects, before they damage all species in your landscape irreversibly.

We use non-toxic and long-lasting treatment solutions to save your vulnerable ornamental, native, and date palms and offer optimum care and nourishment to retain their health. So, if you see signs of infestation on crown, brown and drooping fronds, or notched, clipped, or widowed leaflets, consult our certified arborists without any ado. We will offer quick, safe, affordable, and hassle-free services for bed bug removal in La Mesa.

When you hire us, our team will do an extensive inspection of the palm tree crown, trunk, and roots to identify the sufferings precisely. Also, we will check whether the infestation is primary, moderate, and huge. Along with that, we will discover the impact of the attack on neighboring trees and plants. After proper analysis of the problem, our bed bug exterminator in La Mesa will suggest the treatment to control the spread as well as revive the palm tree’s health.

Shield your ornamental, native, and date palms from South American Palm Weevils and other palm tree pests and diseases in La Mesa; Consult Experts Now!

Schedule your appointment for taking SAPW treatment in La Mesa by calling the Tree Doctor USA team.

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