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Anthracnose, a fungus, affects fruit plants, deciduous and evergreen trees. Infected plants develop dark, water-soaked lesions on stems, fruits or leaves.

The fungal disease affects the aerial tissues, developing shoots and expanding leaves of shrubs, trees and other plants. It’s the main reason for tissues wilting, withering and dying. Hence, many people often confuse it with Fusarium wilt. Thus, a professional anthracnose treatment for trees’ health assessment is crucial to understand the difference.

About Anthracnose

Anthracnose harms trees, caused by fungi like Colletotrichum. It affects many plant species like oak, ash, maple, elm and others. It is also known as a leaf blight or shoot blight in some regions.

The growth usually occurs under relatively cold and moist weather conditions, approximately between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, infecting young leaves and shoots. The spores can be soil-borne, air-borne or water-borne. Besides favorable weather conditions, wind, insects and garden tools carry the fungal spores around the yard, spreading them from one tree to another.

Once Anthracnose attacks your trees, it creates a breeding ground for Bot Cankers, Shot Hole Borers, Leaf Spot Diseases and other pathogens. Hence, effective anthracnose disease treatment becomes crucial to protect the green environment around your house.

Symptoms Of Anthracnose

  • Oval, round or irregular spots on the leaves
  • Yellow margins on the leaflets
  • Small beige, yellow, brown or black spots, depending on the age of the host plants
  • Spots will darken as they age.
  • Gray-brown, dark brown and black lesions with reddish-brown borders on the shoots
  • Infected leaves appear scorched or distorted.
  • The leaves may grow into curled shapes.
  • Cankers on the twigs
  • Brown blotches start small and grow larger on the leaves.
  • Rapid wilting of newly emerging leaves
  • The occurrence of girdled twigs, bud blight and shoot dieback
  • Leaves develop holes after the center of the lesion falls out.
  • It can also result in the defoliation of hosts. Only anthracnose treatment for trees can save them from this disease.
Anthracnose Treatment

How Can You Get Rid Of Anthracnose Disease Control

Combating anthracnose can be frustrating without accurate treatment for infected trees and plants. A trunk injection with a systemic fungicide is a natural treatment for anthracnose. It controls anthracnose but affects weaker and  stressed plants more.

So, Expert arborists provide nutrition and supplements to strengthen plants against anthracnose, fusarium wilt, bot cankers and other fungal attacks. They also avoid creating moist conditions to prevent anthracnose growth.

Benefits Of Our Anthracnose Treatment

  • Suppresses the growth of spores and fungi under favorable weather conditions.
  • Protects fruit and vegetable-bearing trees from infections.
  • Promotes stronger tree root and cell development.
  • Trigger natural defense and prevent fungal growth in trees.
  • Aids in the prevention and protection of trees.
  • Expert anthracnose treatment after understanding the pattern of its spread between hosts.
  • Your trees will get enough nutrition to grow healthily.

Need Information on Anthracnose Treatment for Trees and Its Symptoms? Call us now on (619) 514-1601!

Frequently Asked Questions

Remove diseased parts, use disease-free seeds, apply fungicides and manage insects for anthracnose control and prevention.

We use preventive spot anthracnose treatment practices like fencing, culturing and non-toxic injections, to name a few, to control or eliminate the spore growth.

Yes. In dry weather, fungus spread slows down. Trees drop infected parts and grow new, healthier leaves. Anthracnose might come back in the spring if conditions favor it.

Anthracnose disease comes from the fungus Colletotrichum lagenarium. Symptoms include small, yellowish, watery spots that turn brownish and oblong lesions on stems, often leading to plant death. Fruits develop round, black and sunken cankers.

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