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Scale insects are expected to be infested in the USA. If you have a yard full of trees and plants, there is a high chance of finding Magnolia-scale Insect Species. The infestation may go unnoticed for some time until the damage becomes severe. Magnolia scale insect species suck the sap out of the plants and trees. 

These bugs will suck the sap out of the plants and trees. Thus, moisture maintenance becomes problematic. It also affects tree nutrition. This makes early identification and detection of these pests important and offers accurate tree scale treatment to retain tree health and vigor.

About Scale

The two main types of scales in the insect species are armored and soft scales. The Magnolia scale is the most giant soft-scale insect. During winters, the Magnolia scale spends the winter clinging to small twigs. Consequently, they are often called ‘Tree sap suckers’ and ‘Excreators of honeydew.’

These pinhead-sized insects are mobile, dark in color and called “crawlers.” When the young nymphs have just hatched, they keep crawling until they find a suitable feeding site. They begin to feed with their piercing mouths and become capable of self-defense.

Magnolia Scale Insects possess a protective tan to brown shell-like covering. They prefer to live in the undersides of leaves and areas near lead joints, which allows them to take up more sap. This type of condition attracts the fungi called sooty mold. This sooty mold also contributes to tree damage. 

In oak trees, scale gradually weakens the tree’s resistance. As a result, the tree becomes prone to other pests such as Galls, Gold Spotted Oak Borers, Aphids, Borers, Caterpillars, Lace bugs, Leaf miners, Twig pruners.

Symptoms Of Scale

Scale bugs on trees cause the following effects-

  • Piercing and sucking of plant leaves stems and fruits
  • Stunted growth and weakened vitality
  • Yellowing foliage; some may become lighter green transitioning to yellow
  • Dry branches
  • The layer of shiny, sticky droplets on branches
  • Black fungus with a powdery appearance on branches and trunk
  • Clusters of white egg sacs
  • Twigs dieback
  • White or brown lumps on branches
Tree Scale Treatment in San Diego

How Can You Get Rid Of Scale

To get rid of Tree-scale Insects, early identification is crucial. For this, knowledge of signs and symptoms is essential. Correct action by reporting and asking our tree health experts is favorable for the appropriate implementation of treatment. Once experts thoroughly detect scale infestation in your yard or garden, they will apply organic insecticide treatment to eliminate Magnolia Scale. They will also offer spray treatment and trunk and soil injections directly to infected trees so that infected trees get all the required nutrients to thrive again.

Benefits Of Our Scale Treatment

  • Increase the lifespan of trees and plants by helping them stay healthy
  • Professionals reduce multiple uses of toxic and harmful chemicals by providing a one-time solution
  • They enhance your plant’s disease resistance and boost its immunity.
  • Reduce the likelihood of various plant diseases and ailments.
  • They enhance your plants’ aesthetic appeal and health by eliminating unsightly scale bumps.
  • They help your plants absorb nutrients better and stay healthy for a more extended period of time by removing these scale bugs on trees that tend to suck the nutrients away.

Protect your trees from scale insect damage! Learn about effective Magnolia Scale Insect treatment today. Call us now at (619) 415 8965.

Frequently Asked Questions

The first step is to remove and prune infected leaves, twigs and branches to prevent the spread of tree scale insects. When scale numbers are low, manually scrape or pull them off by hand. Use a neem-based leaf shine or an alcohol-soaked cotton swab to dab individual bugs. These methods help control scale infestations effectively.

Applying horticultural oil or insecticidal soap on the affected area is one of the most effective organic treatments. Natural predators such as ladybugs and lacewings control the insect population on a large scale. This is an eco-friendly method.

Scraping-off scale insects is a temporary solution to get back to normal appearance. However, understanding the underlying reasons that initiated the infestation is essential. Regular monitoring and preventive measures are crucial for long-term control.

  • Identify the scale insect.
  • Isolate the infected plant.
  • Remove scales manually or with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  • Apply insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Repeat treatment as necessary.
  • If the cause is detected early enough, it may be resolved by chopping out the damaged stems.

Here is how you treat fungus on a magnolia tree: 

  • Pruning of infected branches enhances airflow and sunlight exposure.
  • Maintaining a water level, avoiding overhead irrigation to minimize moisture.
  • Application of fungicidal spray such as neem oil, copper sulfate.
  • Maintaining a water level and avoiding overhead irrigation to minimize moisture.

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