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Shot-hole borer beetles are bad news for your fruit trees. Unlike other Ambrosia beetles, the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer seems to attack healthy trees. They develop under the bark and dig tunnels to excavate in and out of the tree. The girdling wounds weaken trees and sometimes even kill them. If not treated at the right time, the trees beyond the damage will have irreversible effects.

The features of invasive shot hole borer attacks and infestations vary among tree types. Repeated fungal attacks can weaken trees, emphasizing the need for professional Shot Hole Borer Beetle Treatment.

About Shot Hole Borer

Exotic and invasive Shot hole borers, or fruit-tree bark beetles, have spread widely across the United States. They attack many types of plants and trees, especially hardwoods in Southern California. The number of vulnerable trees is five times higher than that affected by sudden oak death.
Typically, they live between the bark and surface of trees, digging into the wood. They make tunnels like circular galleries filled with fungal spores. They feed by sucking the tree’s juicy tissues, causing a layer to form between the bark and wood.
However, they are attracted to stressed and injured fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, where they thrive. After Shot Hole Borers invade trees and plants, Fusarium Oxysporum causes wilt disease in their hosts.

Symptoms Of Shot Hole Borer

  • Shot hole borer usually causes harm to the main trunk and bigger branches.
  • Minute pinhole injury in twigs of only 1-inch diameter
  • Damp spots and color changes are visible on the main stem and branches’ bark
  • Shot Hole Borer infection can lead to leaf discoloration and wilting.
  • Staining, gumming, sugary exudate, and frass on the outer surface of the bark
  • Dieback of entire branches
  • Circular and small holes are present in the affected trees and plants.
  • Dustlike powder around the holes can be seen
  • Brown discolored necrosis
  • Reduce the quality of fruits or result in no fruits.
  • Tunneling into trunks, stems and branches.
  • Polyphagous shot hole borer treatment can preserve the health of affected trees and reduce the impact of shot hole borer.
Shot Hole Borer Beetle Treatment in San Diego

How to Eliminate Shot Hole Borers

We use various organic Shot Hole Borer Beetle Treatment methods to treat tree borers, which include systematic trunk injection, pesticides and soil surfactants. We aim to preserve the health and vitality of severely infested host trees. We meticulously identify pest symptoms and monitor damage before recommending shot hole borer infestation treatment. Our control strategies, tailored to tree species and infestation severity, effectively eradicate the fungus.

Benefits Of Our Shot Hole Borer Treatment

  • Keep your trees healthy and vigorous with effective treatment.
  • Prevent further attacks by the shot hole borer
  • Expert and customized polyphagous shot hole borer treatment strategies based on tree species
  • Detailed inspection of healthy-looking trees and plants in your yard or garden
  • Optimum nutrients and treatment are needed to maintain the vigor of the trees and plants.
  • Cost-effective treatment for an invasive shot hole borer

Suspecting the symptoms of a wood borer? Get tailored-shot hole borer beetle treatment now! (619) 514 4117

Frequently Asked Questions

The Shot Hole Borer, a small beetle, is a major pest. It infects plant collars with many tiny holes, disrupting water and nutrient flow to the plant’s upper part.

Start by identifying symptoms and confirming the infestation. Note which species are affected and mark the trees. Determine which parts of the trees are affected. To manage the outbreak, trim affected branches and clear away deadwood and prunings around the orchard. Consider using chemicals for large outbreaks.

We have a skilled team utilizing various techniques, including addressing issues with shot hole borers and implementing treatments for polyphagous shot hole borers. Our specialists assess your trees individually, identify potential risks, and recommend the most appropriate preventive actions.

If the infestation is manageable, we can treat the tree by removing and monitoring the affected area while ensuring proper nutrition. Since shothole borer beetles target decaying trees, replacing the tree entirely might be wise. Nonetheless, thorough inspection allows us to provide a comprehensive report and minimize damage.

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