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Wood boring insects are created from Woodworms which are the larvae of beetles. They have creamy white color and curved bodies that help them stay hidden under branches or other parts. These insects stay hidden until they are mature enough to infest the tree. That’s why the infestation goes unnoticed until the tree starts showing symptoms of some diseases or signs of injuries. Thus, it is important and appropriate to take wood boring insects treatment to repel the infestation at an early stage.

Once the infestation crosses a certain stage, it may be difficult to reverse its diverse effects and save the tree from dying. Therefore, wood boring beetles treatment is essential for keeping the tree alive and away from potential dangers.

Tree Doctor USA helps you eliminate the root cause of the infestation by destroying its origin points. We offer effective wood boring beetle control treatments using our experience, knowledge, and proven methods.

Our Process Of Wood Boring Insects Treatment

Tree Health Assessment

Tree Health Assessment

We do tree health assessments to look for obvious signs like exit holes or others in the tree. Then our woodworm specialist closely inspects the tree to comprehend the infestation effects.

Pest Identification

Pest Identification

It is important to find out the correct species of pest because the same symptoms can be given by multiple pests. In this step, We identify the pest type that has infested the tree.

Severity Examination

Severity Examination

We choose wood boring beetle control treatments as per the seriousness of the infestation. Therefore, our arborists keenly analyze the infested areas to understand the extent of the damage.

Insecticide Selection

Insecticide Selection

After comprehending the extent of the damage, we select accurate insecticides to treat the infestation as early as possible. The combination does not affect the tree’s health negatively.

Infestation Treatment

Infestation Treatment

Our team takes all safety measurements to apply the chemicals to infested areas. We use safety equipment to avoid spreading it to other parts of the tree.

After Treatment Care

After Treatment Care

Wood boring beetle infestation can recur again with time under the preferred conditions. We give after-treatment care and maintenance help to avoid this situation.

Benefits Of Taking Boring Beetles Treatment

  • Wood boring beetles treatment helps you boost tree growth and count of healthy bacteria and insects.
  • It keeps other trees and properties at a distance from the potential dangers of pest infestation.
  • The treatment enhances the quality of green assets, soil, and roots.
  • It saves the tree from diseases while enhancing its appearance.
  • The treatment supports you in controlling borer beetle damage and creates a safer environment for your trees, family, and property.


Wood boring beetles treatment

Ensure The Long Life Of Trees With Tree Doctor USA

Wood boring insects are really harmful pests that can eat away the productivity of your trees. Once the infestation occurs, trees become weak and prone to all types of insect, and pest infestation. They might die or collapse in the ground if not treated on time. So if you notice signs of wood boring infestation on your trees and symptoms like holes & tunnels, or powdered, or stained wood, Then you must take the help and advice of expert arborists at Tree Doctor USA. Our arborists are experienced enough to give wood borer treatment to eliminate the damage.

They are experienced enough to dig out the root cause of the problem and damage factors of infestation. Once they find the cause, they give proper Wood Insect Treatment to save your trees from the negative effects of the infestation. Our organization believes in preserving trees for upcoming years and that’s why we use safe insecticides and chemicals. These chemicals only attack invasive pests and protect other insects and healthy pests from dying.

With our assistance and boring beetles treatment, you can ensure that your trees are protected from wood boring insects. You don’t need to tolerate the severe consequences of their infestation. Reach out to our team to get opinions and consultation from expert arborists.

Connect with Tree Doctor USA experts to protect your trees from Wood-boring Beetle insect treatment.

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