There are a number of trees in San Diego that are known hosts of Shot Hole Borer. The polyphagous Shot Hole Borer is a kind of ambrosia beetle that has invaded hundreds of trees across southern California. These beetles fetch fungal spores that can contaminate or kill a subset of trees. Primarily, Shot hole borers get attracted to stressed or injured trees.
These beetles bore into trees to form galleries in sapwood, wherein they inoculate symbiotic fungi, in particular, Graphium and Fusarium euwallaceae, which are primary nutrient sources for larvae. At the initial stage of beetle colonization, there are no visible injuries to the bark. The symptoms of Shot Hole Borer vary depending upon the tree type and intensity of infestation; besides that, some tree species may also show natural resistance against these borers. Typical symptoms of Shot Hole Borer include pinholes in bark, sawdust-like powder, frass, etc. But uncontrolled beetle infestation in San Diego has increased the tree mortality rate.
Shot Hole Borer are reliant on their fungi; therefore, our Tree Doctor USA‘s experts target the borers’ main source of food, which further helps to reduce the population of these dangerous beetles. To deal with significant damage, arborists try to control it by using insecticide and sanitation of infected trees. We also help you to keep your tree healthy by providing enough nutrients, so in the future, this kind of infestation can be avoided.