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Whiteflies are tiny insects with wings that can devastate ornamental and house plants in less time. They affect both indoor and outdoor plants by sucking plant juices, thus leaving the plants weak.

Unfortunately, once you get them on your plants, the highly fertile females will reproduce at a faster rate. Smaller plants are more endangered as they quickly come under infestation. Hence, effective whitefly treatment for plants is crucial to protect your plant’s leaves from these pests.

About Whitefly Treatment For Plants

There are different species of whitefly, many in similar appearance. Banded winged whitefly, giant whitefly, ficus whitefly, greenhouse whitefly, silver leaf whitefly, and Spiraling Whitefly, to name a few, are small hemipterans related to aphids, scales, and mealybugs. It can create a real problem feeding undersides of plant leaves.

Usually, these triangular, moth-like shaped insects with powdery white wings occur in warm and humid climates. Once you welcome a few of them, being fast breeders, they multiply in no time. When they feed, they leave behind a sticky material called honeydew, which attracts other pests, molds, and fungal infections like Anthracnose.

They are often found near the tops of plants or on stem ends. However, they attack soft leaves of houseplants, flowers, vegetables, and citrus fruits. These pests have developed resistance to most ordinary insecticides; thus, tailored solutions for whitefly insect control are crucial.

Symptoms Of Whiteflies

  • Whiteflies will suck the juices leading to stunted growth of infected plants and trees
  • They gravitate to the veins of leaves and feed on the nutrient in the leaf tissues. So, leaves will gradually turn yellow
  • Wilted leaves or early dropping of leaves
  • Reduced yields of host plants
  • As whiteflies produce a very sticky secretion called honeydew, leaves have an unexplainably sticky or shiny appearance
  • A black sooty mold covers the leaves, trunk, and anything surrounding it
  • The black tree trunk and anything beneath the tree
  • Yellow sticky traps
  • White waxy substance on leaves
  • Tiny yellow or brown eggs on host plants
Whitefly Control Treatment

How Can You Get Rid Of White Flies Insect Control

Upon finding issues, we take necessary samples and create customized solutions by using proven organic techniques. We, therefore, offer a cohesive approach to whitefly disease management after assessing the unique property of each homeowner and developing a custom treatment plan for the same.

For this, we inject trees with antibiotics, pest controls, or micronutrients but make sure that it does not harm the tree. Tree Doctor USA specialists will also provide ideal growing conditions to the infected trees, plants, and shrubs.

Benefits Of Our White Flies Control Treatment

  • Comprehensive disease management program with proven solutions
  • Immediate treatments to whitefly insect control existing infestations
  • Use of low-impact or organic pesticides minimizing harm to beneficial insects
  • Customized solutions based on the structure and size of your property
  • Tree Health Assessment and treatment is done by specially trained experts
  • An integrated approach to treat and manage the green assets of your landscape
  • Early disease detection and pest infestations before they become severe

Know more about whitefly infestation and treatment; Contact us on (760) 285 0099!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you caught an infestation of whiteflies early, it can be controlled by washing the flies off with a sharp spray of soap water. You need to clean the undersides of the leaves because it is where nymphs and eggs hang out. But for bad infestation, you need to resort to experts.

If the leaves tend to become yellowish, sticky, and shiny in appearance or you see small brown or yellow eggs, it is a sign of whitefly infestation. As they convert into white oval larvae, they suck juice from plants even before they move. So, call for professional assistance instantly.

Spraying the underside of the leaves with a soap spray or Neem oil can kill whiteflies. If you spray in the evenings or mornings when it is cooler, you get best results. To ensure your plants experience proper treatment, call professionals.

One of the most effective ways to keep whitefly off the plants is using plastic, reflective mulch. You must spread it around the base of affected plants to reduce their population and guard the plants against their attack.