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The Best Way to Keep Trees Healthy This Winter: A Checklist

The winter season is now behind us, and spring is officially here, which means that most of our employees are hard at work performing spring cleaning and maintenance on our customers’ properties. Now is the ideal time to prepare landscapes for healthy growth that will continue through the spring, fall, and even into the later months of winter.

Trees have a significant impact on both the aesthetic appeal and monetary worth of a property. For this reason, ensuring they are given the appropriate attention and maintenance is of the utmost importance. Our landscaping crews are well-versed individuals in the care and upkeep of trees. We have compiled a checklist of tree care guidelines for the spring to assist you in maintaining the tree health evaluation of your trees and ensuring that they continue to look their best.

Take A Closer Look At Your Trees

The first thing you need to do is examine all of the individual trees that are located on your land in great detail. Look for any limbs that are already dead or on their way to dying, as well as any trees that may be damaged or infected. If you suspect that your trees may be affected by a disease or infested with insects that are harmful to trees, you must get in touch with a specialist as soon as possible to get your landscape back under control.

Remove Any Branches That Are Dead

After determining which branches are damaged or dead, it is time to prune them. To maintain the tree’s health and encourage the development of new growth, it is essential to prune the tree regularly.

When carrying out the task of pruning, it is essential to use the appropriate tools and methods. When not done correctly, pruning can cause damage to the tree and make it more prone to attack by diseases and insects. When cutting branches, you should always do so at the point where they join the trunk or the main stem, using clean and sharp instruments.

Remember to Fertilize Your Trees

Fertilization is yet another essential step in tree maintenance that is frequently skipped over. Like all other plants, trees depend on nutrients for their growth and continued good health.

When looking for fertilizer, choosing one formulated especially for the needs of trees is essential. Because the nutrient needs of various trees are distinct, purchasing the appropriate fertilizer for the tree you intend to grow is necessary.

How fertilizer is spread is another factor that is of the utmost significance. Be sure to pay close attention to the directions provided by the manufacturer to avoid either over- or under-fertilizing your trees, which can be detrimental to their health.

Put Mulch Around the Bases of Your Trees

Mulch application is an excellent method for defending trees and soil against weeds, insects, and severe weather conditions. It aids in the preservation of moisture, helps to insulate the roots during the winter, and keeps the roots cool during the summer. Be sure to use an organic substance like wood chips or crushed bark when you apply the mulch to your plants. It is best not to use boulders or stones because they have the potential to harm the tree’s roots. On top of the dirt, spread a layer of mulch between four and six inches deep, careful not to mound it up against the tree trunk.

Get Enough Water to Your Trees

Water is necessary for the survival of all trees, but it is essential for young trees that are just starting. Be sure to water your trees thoroughly and gently so that the roots may absorb the moisture over some time.

It is critical to water trees at the beginning of the day to ensure that the leaves have sufficient time to air-dry before the sun sets. It helps to prevent the spread of disease as well as fungus.

The quantity of water that a tree requires will differ according to the species of tree that it is. If you are still determining how much water a specific kind of tree requires, it is best to seek the advice of an expert or conduct some independent study. Generally, most tree species require approximately one inch of water every seven days. You may, however, need to water your plants more regularly during drought or when the temperature is high.

Keep Unwanted Critters Away From Your Trees

As was indicated before, insect pests such as aphids and European (gypsy) moths can be a significant issue for trees, leading to severe damage and even the mortality of the plants they infest. Before they become infested, having your trees treated by a professional is the most effective approach to prevent them from populations of different kinds of pests. There is a wide variety of pest control treatments available; therefore, you must select one that has been developed mainly for the type of trees on your land. If you want to keep your trees healthy, you need to make sure to follow the directions to the letter.

Bring in a Qualified Individual

Although you can care for your trees, trained experts handle certain activities more effectively. It is always advisable to bring in an expert if you are unsure how to care for your trees, if you suspect they may be sick, or if you believe they may be plagued with pests.

Taking proper care of trees is essential in preserving a landscape’s health. You can keep your trees healthy and ensure they always look their best by following these few easy steps throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to contact Tree Care Services as soon as possible if you have any additional inquiries regarding tree care or if you would like to schedule a consultation.

Taking Care of and Maintaining Trees

Integrated Pest Management is a method we apply. It is an ecosystem-based approach that focuses on the long-term avoidance of pests through the deployment of various techniques, such as the administration of biological treatments and the management of habitat.

Tree Doctor USA is an expert in selecting pest control materials to reduce the potential for harm to the health of humans, the environment, and any other living things on the land. It is also crucial to remember that while you can treat some trees for protection against infestation at any time of the year, some trees may only have a limited opportunity for treatment and safety to be successful.

Ask your local team about treatment, prevention, and IPM strategies that would be safe for your workers, customers, and landscape if you want to learn more about protecting and managing the trees on your site.

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